- 石墨球数[球墨数] Number of Nodular Graphites
- 球化率 Percent of Spheroidization
- 石墨球化处理[球化处理] Nodularizing Treatment of Graphite
- 墨化剂 Graphitizer
- 阻碍石墨化元素 Hindered Graphitizing Element
- 石墨面积率 Percentage of Graphite Area
- 石墨化因子 Graphitizing Factor
- 石墨化度 Graphitizing Grade
- 石墨退火化 Graphitizing Annealing
- 石墨化 Graphitizing
- 游离碳 Free Carbon
- 共晶碳化物 Eutectic Carbide
- 共晶石墨 Eutectic Graphite
- 过冷石墨 Undercooled Graphite
- 初生石墨 Primary Graphite